
☆Winner of my GiveAway+new LIZ LISA clothes+HALLOWEEN party+...☆

!!!Hi GAL´s!!!
HERE comes the result of my 1st GIVEAWAY!!!!ドキドキクラッカー
I used random.org to decide the winner! チョキ
and the winner is......
!!!Thank you everyone for participating!!!

ラブラブi also want to say THANK YOU for 221 followers now!!!!ラブラブ
it´s unbelievable!!!
i should do a new GiveAway にひひチョキ
Yesterday FINALLY i could pick up my new LIZ LISA clothes ラブラブ  from the customs....汗
i always have to pay customs fees ....it´s so annoying ガーン
well....here are the new clothes!!! ラブラブ!ドキドキ
ドキドキLiz Lisa top, dress and vest ドキドキ
i love those brown colors especially for autumn キラキラ
there is also a hat which Tsubasa Masuwaka always wore on many photos カメラ
i like her a lot!!! best gyaru model ever!!! ドキドキニコニコ
and there is also a white ribbon belt!
here are some pictures of the coordinations アップ
(bad quality...i am sorry)
Do you also like LIZ LISA so much like i do? ドキドキ
on friday i met up with Yune.キスマーク
we went shopping....of course にひひチョキ
i bought some new winter boots with little pom poms at the sides ラブラブ!
they look so lovely ラブラブ
How do you like them?ラブラブ
Did you already see the new cover of Popteens December issue?ドキドキ
i think it´s very cute with Kumicky-chan and MizuKitty.
 i love the theme of the cover. it´s so cute.ドキドキ
but i wish that there will be also other models at the cover and not always Kumicky-chan~...あせる
i liked the cover with Okarie so much ~ there could also be one with Hikari-chan, that would be great ニコニコ
ah when i talk about Popteen magazine i want to show you my new PASSION!!!ニコニコドキドキ
do you remember the June issue from 2008はてなマーク
there is Yui Kanno on the cover and she holds a PURE BERRY cup ドキドキ
Back then i wanted to try this Pure Berry frozen yoghurt so badly but i hadn´t the chance...あせる
even when i was in Japan i haven´t found a frozen yoghurt store BUT some days ago while walking to university in Berlin I have found a store which sells frozen yoghurt with different toppings!!!!ラブラブ!ドキドキ
i was so happy that i have found this store by chance!!ドキドキ
the store is called YOLI. so cute.ニコニコ
i bought normal frozen yoghurt with strawberry and little marshmallows. ドキドキ
so yummy!!!
Now it´s November and the last picture of my Ayumi Hamasaki calendar is shown....
i think it´s really sad because there won´t be a new calendar from her for next year... until now...しょぼん
but she will release a new album in December ドキドキ音譜
well here is the last picture of the 2010th calendar ラブラブ
she is so pretty!!!! my idol!ラブラブ
on weekend i had a small HALLOWEEN party @ my place!!!にひひチョキ
my friends Yune and Koko came over and we had a very funny evening. 星空
first we dressed up in our HALLOWEEN clothes and made each others hair styles.美容院
we laughed a lot にひひ
here is my outfit and hair style ラブラブ
Accessoires: SBY
JSK: Body Line
Cardigan: PUTUMAYO
Socks: off brand

in the afternoon my dad and me prepared a pumpkin! ハロウィン
say hello to ハロウィンMR. PUMPKINハロウィン
in the evening we made pizza 
we wrote Halloween 2010 on it にひひ
@ night we played Wii and watched the final concert of NYAPPY from AnCafe ドキドキ
!!!! KANON!!!!
oh and Koko brought her Myojo and Potato magazines and finally i could take a picture from my most favourite KAME picture!!!!ドキドキドキドキドキドキ
i love this picture so so much!!! but i just could find it with a huuuuge logo over his had in the internet....ガーンあせる
if anyone has this picture in good quality without the logo over his head please tell me!!!! ショック!ラブラブ
i would be so so happy! クラッカーキスマーク
 well, that´s it for today....ニコニコチョキ
 Good Night ぐぅぐぅ
Thank you for reading!!!


  1. congrats to the winner!! OMG fro-yo is so yummy!! esp when you have mochi!!!I love your outfits!! very cute!I didn't get to take my kids trick or treating or carve a pumpkin. I was a bit sad, but it's okay. your pumpkin is so cute!

  2. Das sind ja sehr niedliche klamotten :-) Wenn ich Liz Lisa irgendwo sehe, mache ich Fotos für dich :-)

  3. Congratulations to the winner ♥

    Die Klamotten die du dir bestellt hast sind sehr süß ♥ Liz Lisa is iwie nich so meins, aber die Klamotten sind ultra niedlich/hübsch xD

    Die frozen joghurt dinger oha OO ich mag sowas probiern!!

    Final concert of Nyappy...aw .___. kann ich mir nich anschaun eh...~

    Uh das Kame Bild is echt hot ♥

  4. Congrats to Melludee!! ^.^
    Waw NeNe, such a long post ^.^/ Yay!

    I love your new clothes, you look really cute in them. Especially like the belt, I'm a sucker for bows... And your boots look so nice and warm! Pompoms yay!
    Oh fro-yo! I want to try!! But I don't know where to buy it here in Belgium T.T

  5. Congrats to the winner! Lucky girl >.<

    and your liz lisa clothes look awesome! I've been eyeing one of those brown vests for a while now =D

  6. I love the new clothes!! They look great on you~ I like the PomPom boots too! So nice

  7. I love your new boots! They're super cute : D I love the little furry ball-details.

    YOGHURRRRT! I don't eat pork, so I can rarely eat regular ice cream. Therefore I need to 'settle' with frozen yoghurt or super expensive custom, homemade ice cream - but 25 bucks for a liter of ice cream is just crazy.. Instead I buy those tiny cups of kids' yoghurt and put them in the freezer. It's YUUUUMMMM<3 : D Yours looks a LOT better though : ( boo

  8. nice congrats^^ those are lovely dresses :)

  9. Congrats to the winner!

    Your new Liz Lisa items are cute^^ Liz Lisa is not my taste, because I look bad in it haha But you look so cute!

    I've never tried frozen yogurt from a restaurant, I know it became really popular in California. But I never tried it when I was in California

  10. oh, I'm stupid! I forgot it's November already, sorry!
    The Liz Lisa items & the magazines are so cute :D, where did you get them ?^^
    I've always wanted to try Frozen Yoghurt, it looks so yummy!
    But so far no luck in finding a fro-yo store :(
    Btw, how do you get the super cute emoticons on your blog? ^^

    And thanks so much for commenting back and following me ~!

  11. Sag mal kommt man in Tokyo mit Englisch aus?

  12. Congratulation for the winner!!.

    Waaa your new liz lisa clothes are fantastic!!, look pretty.

  13. hi!
    Die sachen sind super süß. Ahhh ich will auch wieder bestellen... verdammt ich brauch geld^^°°
    Die boots sind auch super süß, wo hast du die her?

    Ach ja zu den liz lisa stiefeln noch. die hab ich auch bei makiko bestellt. die haben die da von den größen 35-39 soweit ich weiß.
    ansonsten sind die japanischen größen meistens:
    M (23〜23.5cm)
    L (23,5-24cm)
    In Japan ist 39 ungefährt 24,5 für ne frau. also es hängt dann echt am schuhmodell ab.

    Also ich hab zwischen 38-39 und mir passen sie.^^ nja glück.

  14. ach die liz lizsa sachen sind so toll. hast du die direkt beim liz lisa online store bestellt?

  15. OMGGG <3 IS THAT MEEE ^-^?
    BUT I AM SO HAPPPPYYYYYYYY !! I don't know if you tried sending out an email or not yet but here's my email just in case melludee@hotmail.com :)!

    I love your outfittt! It looks so chick and classy <3 and your hair is always so niceeeeee

  16. Wait, I got the email.

  17. Aw die liz lisa sachen sind so düß <3;
    und genau bei dem gürtel war ich auch am überlegen ihn zu holen... aber naja mal sehn XD;;;
    iwie bin ich nicht n fan von weißen taschen und gürteln..komisch XD!!

  18. Congratulations Melludee!
    Such cute clothing you got and your Halloween looked like fun! ^-^ ♥

  19. Endlich hast du deine Bestellung bekommen! Total hübsche Sachen! *__*
    Congrats to Melludee!

    Wegen der Hypersim, ich kann das Handy mit der nicht aktivieren. An was kann das liegen? Ich muss die doch auf meine Karte drauf und dann rein? Und es erkennt meine Karte nicht. T_____T

  20. awws I think your blog is adorable <3 I'll be following it from now on :b

  21. Hi! Yes it is Chanel form poupee girl! ^__^
    Thank you for the comment! I guess its too late to enter now, but anyways congrats to the winner!
    Woah! You are so lucky you have gyaru branded clothing. Liz Lisa is really cute :3
    B.T.W. I have the same phone as you haha but mine is red! ;]

  22. Congratz Melludee!!!;D

    What a wonderful buys!! Love the clothes and the CUTE bootsss!!!! So kawaiii..~

    I like frozen yoghurt too. And Yoli pic makes me droolinggg...mmm..yuummm!!!

    Your last style is so pretty! LOVE everything! the hair style and the dress look cute together!(:

    Dreamy Princess
    ~I wonder what it's like to live in Paris~

  23. So, wollt mich nochmal melden. Mein Problem besteht noch immer. Hatte das Stück von der Sim Karte ausgeschnitten und geht noch immer nicht. T___T Hast du mir noch nen Rat? Oder soll ich mir gleich ne inex kaufen? Meinst du die geht dann? Oder liegt es an meinem Anbieter? Hab O2!

  24. Ja, so wie im Video, jedenfalls ist an meiner Hypersim das Eck wo dann die ausgeschnittene Karte draufkommt an der Seite und nicht in der Mitte. Ja, alles war richtig drin. T_T Ich verzweifel schon. Treff mich am Freitag mit meiner besten Freundin, da bekommt sie dann ihr Handy, mal sehen ob es bei ihr geht. Meine Hypersim heißt Mr. Sim. Ohhh hoffentlich find ich bald was, damit es geht. Das macht mich noch wahnsinnig! T_T

  25. Liz Liza clothings are so CUTEEE ~ but they are so expensive though :(
