
☆My Birthday / Kanon x Kanon concert Berlin☆

ドキドキ!!!Hi GAL´s!!!ドキドキ
how are you doing???キスマーク
Thank you so so much for all those lovely comments to my previous post!!!ショック!ドキドキ
and also thank you so much for 688 Follower now!ラブラブ!ラブラブ
 i´m really happy!ニコニコアップ
Well, today (14.11.) is my birthday!
i got up very early in the morning because my parents were leaving for work in the morning.
i got some nice presents~
cute little birthday cake!
 i got money, a pink hair straightener, a book, and some other stuff!
isn´t it beautiful?? it also has some rhinestones attached hehe
i also got a super cute birthday letter from my lovely friend Thanh Thao!
i got so much ラブ友stationary!! i loveラブ友so much hehe
thank you so much!!
when i went to university today, i entered the room and my friends were singing a birthday song for me! that made me so happy hehe i felt kinda embarrassed haha
and i got a super lovely present from my friend Eileen!!
she made a Tuxedo Sam plushi for me!! omg it´s so so super lovely!!!
and i got a wonderful pocket watch necklace!!!
thank you so much!!!!
i also made a present for myself today haha
L size warm caramel milk tea bought at BoBoQ with the hot shop staffs at Alexanderplatz haha
before going to university i had to pick up a book at the state library!
honestly i really hate this library...
it´s located near Potsdamer Platz 
i saw this cute merry-go-round at Potsdamer Platz as well hehe

in the evening i went to a chinese restaurant together with my parents!
we ate some yummy stuff!
this we got for free! little dumplings~
i ordered Tempura 
Wan Tan
and fried egg rice with chicken!
really yummy! i ate so much haha!

thank you everyone for all those lovely birthday wishes via Facebook or SMS!
it made me really happy!
last Friday (11.11.) i went together with my friends to the Kanon x Kanon concert in Berlin!
this was the special concert ticket!
this time we were allowed to take pictures of the concert...of course i didn´t bring my camera haha because normaly we´re not allowed to take pics during japanese concerts haha
well i took my cell phone with me and Eileen had her camera!
so this was the merchandise we could buy.
actually i didn´t wanted to buy anything but than i decided to buy the black/white bag.
the design is pretty nice!
the concert was really funny!
Kanon Wakeshima is just amazing, so cute and pretty!
and Kanons (An Café) part ..well...it was kinda weird haha 
but he looked so good in his cute outfit haha

in the end my friend Kristina was the lucky girl who ctached Kanon´s (AnCafé) water bottle haha
she was really proud of herself haha

after the concert we went back to Eileens place!
we watched movies ´til early in the morning haha
on the next day we met our friend Mio!
we went to a little café
some wall painting near the café!
café Krone!
i just ordered a hot chocolate!
cute Mio
cute Eileen

afterwards i went back home!
i wrote a letter to my lovely japanese friend Hiromi
and i made cookies!
thank you for reading!!! ^___^/


  1. Happy birthday!! and wow how cute! all the pictures are cute and it was so nice of your friend to make you that penguin! I especially love the Hello Kitty cookies you made :D Wish I can make some like that

  2. happy birthday~~~ omg hello kitty cookies >.< so cute!!! I love kanon and how she plays the cello, it's so majestic~ so jealous that you got to hear her live

  3. Happy b - day honey! >^_._^<
    Great photos! And so cute pink hair straightener :}
    kiss kiss

  4. i'm so sad i missed kanonxkanon when they were here =/


  5. Die Kitty Cookies sind ja süss ♥

    Erstmal herzlichen Glückwunsch nachträglich zum Geburtstag!! Alles Liebe und Gute wünsche ich dir ♥
    Bei kanon x kanon war ich nicht, weil ich beide personen nicht kenne xD (zumindest nur vom Namen, das reicht mir aber nicht um da aufn Konzert zu gehen), aber die Tickets kannte ich schon, weil meine Firma die gedruckt hat :)

    Die Tasche ist süss, die du da gekauft hast! Und deine Geburtstagsgeschenke sind auch voll toll!!

    Liebe Grüße

  6. Aww, wie schön dass du einen tollen Geburtstag hattest! Und Gott sei Dank ist mein Brief angekommen :) Ich hoffe du kannst das Zeug gebrauchen ;))

    OMG, du hast einen selbstgemachten Tuxedo Sam bekommen!!! *neid* Ist ja super süß!!

  7. happy happy birthdayy! n__n <3

  8. Alles Gute nachträglich (:
    Tolle Geschenke hast du bekommen.
    Und tolle Konzertbilder *__*

  9. oh sooo schöne bilder *-*
    hattest ja einen tollen Geburtstag^^

  10. Happy birthday! you are one lucky girl to get to see KanonXKanon's concert. I remembered a few years ago I used to love Kanon's still doll so much. :D So jealous of you! >.<

  11. hello!!!
    happy birthday!! (^o^)v I love Kanon Wakeshima!!! *w*!!! she is so cute!!!!
    cute photos!!!

    greetings!!!! ^^

  12. ooh du hattest geburtstag! °Ä°

    Alles Gute nachträglich!! >_<
    Klingt nach einem wirklich tollen Tag :D Ungewöhnlich für mich, weil du ja Werktags hattest, haha <3 Freut mich aber für dich :3

    btw schöne Fotos von KanonxKanon ^^

  13. hewwo~!

    just came across your blog and it's so beautiful<333

  14. wow, das scheint ja wieder ein gelungenes Konzert gewesen sein.
    Und deine Geschenke sind auch toll ^^ Hast dich bestimmt super doll gefreut.
    Wahh.. und die Plätzchen *________*
    Voll cool!!!

    Liebe Grüße von
    Koko =)

  15. Oh nein einen Tag zu spät, ich wünsch dir trotzdem alles liebe nachträglich! ^-^

  16. oooh happy belated b'day my dear! seems like you have had an awesome day, so cool! *-*

    ShuShu ♥

  17. Ich wünsche dir nochmal alles gute nachträglich und ganz viel liebe ♥ XD

    himmlische geschenke :D und das essen sieht auch so zauberhaft aus q.q ♥

    Haru war auch bei kanon x kanon ♥ ich wollte auch v.v aber ich konnte nicht wegen fahrschule >.<
