
☆Japantag Düsseldorf 2012 / 日本デー デュッセルドルフ 2012☆

ドキドキ!!!Hi GAL´s!!!ドキドキ
how are you doing? 
i´m back from Düsseldorf!
i visited the J-Day on Saturday together with my lovely friends Thanh Thao, Theresa, Anne, Stefan and Pila!!! 
we had so much fun<3
(most of the following pictures are all taken by my friends)

but let´s start with Friday~~
about 18:45 i met Anne and Stefan at the airport in Berlin!
our flight started about 20:00~~
i love those pictures taken out of the aircraft <3
about 21:15 we were in Düsseldorf and Thanh Thao and Theresa picked us up from the airport ;A;!! <333
haven´t seen them since October last year! it was such a great moment!
big reunion hehe <3
afterwards i went to Thanh Thaos place~
thank you for letting me stay at your house ;A; <3
SATURDAY!!! the final day!! J-DAY!!!
sadly Thanh Thao had to attend a seminar at her new work this day, so she couldn´t spent the whole J-Day with us.
we went together to the station and met Theresa, Anne and Stefan there :)
after saying bye to Thanh Thao, the four of us went to the OCS for taking some Purikura!!!
there were already so much people and than i met Julia and her friend Kati by chance!!!!
if i remember correctly we haven´t seen each other since our holiday in Tokyo in 2010 lol...
Anne while decorating our puris~~
and here the final result :)
they turned out really nice :D
Julia and Theresa!!! omg, what beauties ne!!! :)
me, Julia, Anne, Kati <3
(c) by Kati
at the OCS i just bought some Rilakkuma sticker and a post card~ :)
afterwards we went to the Japanese Bakery and bought some yummy stuff *o*
 Anne while buying Gyoza~
afterwards we met my friend Pila at the BoBoQ store...in front of the store there was such a huge queue...all of them waited for the store to open....in berlin this would be unthinkable... xD
 me, Theresa, Anne~~<3
Pila and me~~<3
epic mirror pic~
Anne and me shortly after getting our water yo-yos hehe :D <3
afterwards we had some bubble tea~~
guava tea!! yummy <3
Anne and me:) <3
afterwards we waited for Thanh Thao and went to the Karaoke bar in the japanese hotel :D
Hotel Nikko~~ looks like in Japan lol
 Thanh Thao and me singinggg~ :D
cute Thanh Thao and Theresa!! <3
afterwards we had dinner at the japanese café Relax~
calpis soda and teriyaki chicken bowl!! *o*
at night we went to the wonderful fireworks display!!
i made twi videos hehe :D
please enjoy ^^
such a great day!
i really enjoyed it!
on sunday we woke up and it was raining like hell... :(
actually we wanted to stay at home haha
but we met everyone about 12:00 at the central station and went to the café Relax again! :)
writing some stuff into our puri books :D
after an hour Pila came as well to the café~
about 15:00 we ordered some food~
i had a kind of curry...even when it doesn´t look like that lol
but it was yummy~ <3
we also received some presents from Thanh Thao *o*
look what i got!!
a cute my melody purse and a hello kitty pen *o*
thank you so so much again!!! <3

after spending 4.5 hours at the café, we went back to the airport~
our flight took off about 18:30~
we arrived in Berlin about 19:30 and it was also raining :(

saying good bye to Theresa and Thanh Thao was so so sad ;A;
i miss them so much... ;A; 
thank you so so much for this awesome weekend!!!
it was so great! 
i hope Anne, Stefan and me can welcome you in Berlin soon <3


  1. whaaaaaaaa es war echt toll *-* aber ich bin doch keine schönheit, neben Julia seh ich aus wie ein Penner XD
    es war echt toll x3

  2. jajajaja theresa! als ob D:
    du bist wenigstens fotogen <3

    und ja, es war bitter nötig dich mal wieder zu treffen.
    2010 ist viel zu lange schon her gewesen u___u!!!

  3. Kann es kaum erwarten endlich mal nach Düsseldorf zu kommen T_T - Japantag wäre optimal gewesen...mal wieder verpasst.
    Bakery my Heart und Cafe Realx <3 hab darüber auch schon viel gelesen hier und da (*o*)...sehr sehr lecker!!

  4. Ich bin total verwirrt, was ist denn deine aktuelle Haarfarbe momentan? <: Ich nehme an blond und das rotbraun ist ne Peruecke? Find das rotbraun aber total schoen :D
    Achja ich hab auch nen Blog, ich glaub das hab ich nie erwaehnt :'D Grueße aus Tokyo <3

  5. oooh julia*_* du siehst toll aus - ihr alle <3333

  6. ihr saht alle so toll aus *-* <3
    schöne bildchen :3

  7. Ahhh, ich vermiss euch auch schon so ;__; Aber ich komm diesen Sommer zu euch XDD Weiß zwar noch nicht wann, aber ich ich komm XDD Und solange bleiben wir irgendwie in Kontakt :) Ganz viele Briefe schreiben <3

  8. Ahhh ich vermisse euch auch alle so, es war so toll ;_; Die Fotos sind schön geworden!! ♥
    Ich schreib am Donnerstag auch nen Post :)
    Liebe Grüße~

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  10. das sieht nach einem klasse tag aus :>

  11. nice blog!
    it would be fantastic, if you visit mine too :)
    xoxo ♥

  12. Ich habe seit kurzem deinen Blog für mich entdeckt...deine Outfits sind so wunderschön ♥

    Kannst du mir sagen, woher du die Klamotten bestellst (vorallem die Liz Lisa Sachen) ?

  13. huhu :)
    danke für deinen lieben Kommentar.
    ich freu mich das dir mein blog gefällt :D
    die meisten meiner klamotten kaufe ich vor ort in Japan, auch die Liz Lisa sachen.
    aber manchmal findest du auch einzelstücke bei ebay oder früher hab ich mal hier bestellt: http://kumimakiko.com/en/
    aber z.t. weiß man da nicht ob es 100%ig originalware ist.
    LG :)
