
☆Christmas is near!!! + GETS☆

ドキドキ!!!Hi GAL´s!!!ドキドキ
how are you doing???キスマーク
thank you for more than 725 Followers!!! 
i´m so happy!!!!
 on Monday after university i went shopping with my friend Eileen!
we went to the Ku-Damm for shopping and having some Bubble Tea @ BoBoQ !
i had caramel milk tea of course!!! :D
we went to BERSHKA and i bought this awesome shirt! 
(Eileen bought the same one haha)
well, also during this day i caught a cold....i had to wait 35min for the S-Bahn (train)...because of some difficulties in the railway....but of course it just could have been an excuse haha....like always!
German Railway is the worst! ALWAYS delayed...you never will be in time haha...
since my condition got more and more worse since wednesday, i had to stay at home for four days in a row now....i hate it! 
mostly after being at home for just two days in a row i go crazy, because it´s super boring and i get more more lazy from day to day!
yesterday i felt a bit better and i decided to build my gingerbread house, which i got one month ago haha 
isn´t it cuuuuuuteeeee???? ^-^
this week i received two cute christmas letters from my friends Yukie and Berenike, and a post card from Thanh Thao!!! She was in New York last week! thank you so much everyone!!! i´m very happy ^-^
so cuteeee!!

oh, and this is our christmas tree at home!!
(we have another door for entering the living room haha)

so, thank you everyone for reading my blog everytime!!!!
bye bye~
(c) by Marion D.
i found this pic between all my pictures from my summer vacation in Japan.
it was taken at Kyôto central station....we were so tired this day...just sleeping for 3 hours and riding the Shinkansen for 4 hours from Tôkyô in the morning haha....


  1. The gingerbread house is so cute bby! :* Happy holidays!

  2. merry X'mas in advanced Nene ~~ ^^

  3. Very cute shirt you purchased! And the gingerbread house is sooo cute and festive. I love the Christmas photos^^

  4. Uwah der neue Pullover sieht ja super aus ♥ und jetzt wo ich bei dir Bubble Tea seh hab ich auch wieder lust...xX möh.
    Ich hab auch schon immerhin einen Christmas Letter bekommen ♥ aber hinten steht 'Please open at christmas' also warte ich ;;♥ gemein

  5. aww schöner post^^ schöne sachen hast du gekauft *-*das pfefferkuchenhaus ist süß *-* ich hab so ein kit auchmal hier gesehen..vll sollte ich mir auch mal so eins kaufen, sieht lustig aus XD

  6. Ich hasse S-Bahn fahren auch um bin heute um so trauriger, dass ich heute und morgen und im schlimmsten Falle auch noch Mittwoch damit fahren muss, da mein Auto seit grade eben in der Werkstatt ist ;_;

    Ich wünsche dir gute Besserung! Die Fotos sind schön :)

  7. Ah, bin ich froh dass die Karte angekommen ist, ich wette so 30 Prozent kommen gar nicht an, hahaha. Danke auch für deine süße Weihnachtspost, hab mich total gefreut! Mein Brief ist so gut wie unterwegs ;)

    Das Gingerbread-House ist soo niedlich!! Fast schon zu schade zum essen, was? :)

  8. I love the ginger bread house *O* where can I buy it? I really want to built one too xD <3

  9. I beg to differ! English rail is sooo bad. I've been waiting for a train so long once that the next train arrived before it did! So dysfunctional!

    I love that gingerbread house but it looks like the kind of thing I wouldn't be able to eat because it's just too cute!

  10. Oo I had a bad train experience once too. One of my trains I used to take to school would completely become unreliable after 7pm and I had class until 10pm, I had to wait an hour :(. The gingerbread house is super cute!

  11. feel better! i hate getting sick. it sucks. on the other hand, that;'s a really cute gingerbread house. i didn't know that you can buy those designs at the store. that's really cool.

    Come and enter!
    In Love With Fashion Giveaway.


  12. Das Lebkuchenhaus. ♥
    Sowas hab ich als Kind auch mal gemacht. (:
    Vielleicht nehm ich mir das für nächstes Jahr auch wieder vor.

  13. Ah wie cool, dann muss ich die Woche unbedingt nochmal zum Neo um die neue Popteen zu holen. Hab die Mail am Montag glaube ich bekommen, aber war mir nicht ganz sicher ob nu wirklich schon die neue Popteen da ist :D
    Toll toll ♥ Die Seventeen mit dem süssen Täschchen hab ich mir ja letzte Woche auch noch gekauft, hihi :D Mein Mann war schon wieder am Schimpfen, wozu ich das brauche. Aber letztendlich konnte er ja doch nix dagegen sagen x3
    Liebe Grüße!!
