
☆Clubbing + Shopping + Hanami 花見☆

ドキドキ!!!Hi GAL´s!!!ドキドキ
How are you doing???~
Thank you for all your lovely comments to my previous post!!
well since yesterday i don´t feel very good...don´t know what´s going on...really weird.
vomitting for three times...within 2 hours...;A;
i hope i feel better soooon >3<
 now let´s come to last weeks report!
on Thursday i met my lovely friend Eileen after 2 weeks!!! ;A;
first we had some bbt with our friend Steffi!
Yoghurt lemon nomnomnom~
afterwards Eileen and me went shopping at Kudamm.
well actually it was just window shopping, ´cause the new collections of the stores are just ugly!
look at those "wonderful" new dresses of H&M!
haha Eileen is so cute!
at night we went clubbing~
we went to Sage Club but yeah...it was kinda boring haha
the music was lame lol
we left the club about 2:15 in the morning~
 we reached Eileens place about 3:00 and before that we bought doner haha~
so watching DVD and eating doner ´til 4:30~
maybe it wasn´t a good idea to go clubbing in the middle of the week, ´cause we had university the next day haha
i was kinda pissed the whole day, ´cause i was so tired haha
after university Eileen and me went to Bubbles again and leafed through some magazines about Japan~
on Saturday i met my friend Anne!!!
we haven´t seen each other for about a month. She went to Tokyo some weeks ago, so we had to talk about so much stuff hehe
we met at Alexanderplatz and went shopping~~~
ok, window shopping again haha
haha look at this cute cat we found in the book store~
afterwards we bought bbt and leafed through the new Popteen magazine which Anne bought in Japan!
nomnomnom, caramel milk tea~
it was sooo great weather!!!
here is a pic we took together ~~
i hate my pancake face haha
it was a really great day!!!
Thank You :D
on Saturday i went with my friends to Hanami in Berlin!!!
it was really great, but soooooooo cold~
Nina, Eileen, Kübi~
beautiful Kristina :D
Eileen and me bought some Korean food...for 7€!! xD wtf!!~
Eileen and Nina :D
i hope you liked the pictures :D
thank you for reading!!
Bye Bye~


  1. Oooh viele schöne Bilder *-* hier gibts nicht wirklich viele Kirschbäume, nichtmal im Japanischen Garten :(
    Sieht nach viel Spaß aus, auf Döner hätte ich auch mal wieder Lust aber in der Dönerbude bei mir in der Nähe sieht es so eklig aus, da vergeht mir der Appettit XDD
    Ich hoffe dir gehts bald wieder besser<3

  2. Lovely pictures! :-D


  3. Wuah, die Bilder sind extrem toll geworden *o*
    Aber 7€ für so´n Tellerchen? Wow, das ist teuer :O

  4. Uah das Foto von uns sieht so bekloppt aus, wie ich gugge xD
    Schickst du mir noch die Bilder zu? :) Ich will auch gern einen Blogpostdrüber schreiben ♥

    Ich wünsche dir gute Besserung, hoffe dir gehts heut schon wieder ein wenig besser?!
    Wow zum Hanamifest wär ich auch gern gegangen.
    Ich hab von Shou gehört du willst eventuell auch zum Japantag nach DD? Mein Mann und ich überlegen derzeit ob wir hinfliegen, vielleicht können wir ja auch zusammen hin :)
    Liebe Grüße

  5. hope you feel better! The pictures are lovely and it looks like you had a blast.

  6. das letzte bild ist das schönste.
    aber generell schöne bilder
    viell. hast du ja lust auf gegenseitiges verfolgen ?
    würde mich sehr freuen (:
