
☆Happy Easter + Japanese Cake Tutorial☆

ドキドキ!!!Hi GAL´s!!!ドキドキ
  HAPPY EASTER to everyone!!!
 during easter holidays i´m alone at home.
because of health problems and an unfinished work for university i couldn´t go to my grandmas place.
really sad, ´cause it´s the first time in my life that i don´t spend it with my family~
but nevertheless my family calls me everyday and my dad gives me hints were he hid some chocolate for me in our flat ~ so cute <3
 Yesteday i went shopping and bought some ingredients for my Easter Cake!
I made this cake in the afternoon!
Happy Easter 2012 !
I love baking cakes~~especially japanese styled cakes :D
some of my facebook friends requested a tutorial for this one, so here it comes!!
(let´s exchange 料理 in ケーキ xD)

 Step 1:
the ingredients you´ll need~
Brownie cake mix, (1st i planned to use the cocoa powder but i haven´t), decoration stuff, 2 cups whipped cream, strawberries, powdered sugar, vanilla sugar, glaze

Step 2:
bake the brownies like it´s told on the package. during the time it´s in the oven, prepare the strawberries.
but some aside for decoration, the other ones cut in two halfes
 Step 3:
when the cake cooles down a bit, cut it into two similar pieces
Step 4:
take one of the halves and put some stabilizer for whipping cream onto it, so that it won´t be squishy 
Step 5:
put the strawberries onto the one half of the cake and sprinkle some vanilla sugar onto them~
 Step 6:
Put the glaze onto the strawberries
 Step 7:
Put the second half of the cakes on top of the strawberries
Step 8:
Now get your whipped cream ready~
Step 9:
start covering the whole cake with whipped cream!
´til it looks like this:
Step 10:
Now you can start decorating!!
the best part hehe :D
 show me your japanase styled cakes :D
i´m looking forward to see your pictures!
normaly i don´t post such close-up pics of my face, but i think they turned out ok, so i decided to show them to you~
On Tuesday i received this cute letter from my friend Lisa 
it´s Rilakkuma letter paper!!! so cute /°A°/

today i will answer to all of my unreplied letters which i stored since february >///<
i´m sorry everyone... ;A;
Thank you for reading!!!

(soon i will also answer to the huge amount of comments which i got for my last post! thank you everyone <3)


  1. omg I love strawberry cakes!!It looks delicious!I want to learn to make cakes too ...but too lazy /_\and also no time ... I always think that girls who know how to make desserts are so sweet <3 you are so pretty >o< Oh I want to wirte letters to my fds too but no time >< I recently brought a set of Melody's letter paper xd Rilakkuma is also cute!:D

  2. wow das sieht echt super aus, so hast du das also gemacht XD gute idee mit dem brownieteig^^
    du bist sooo hübsch *-* ich bin ja eh ein braune haare-fan XD steht dir soo gut x3

  3. Wow, wie einfach das letztendlich ist! Muss ich auch unbedingt ausprobieren, danke für's teilen ♥

  4. Your cake looks very yummy! (^^)

  5. Ich liebe die Löffeleier.^^

  6. Wow, das sieht verdammt lecker aus! Das muss ich dann auch mal ausprobieren! :D
    Auf deinen Fotos siehst du voll hübsch aus! <3

  7. The cake looks so delicious! I want some too *O* Muss ich auch umbedingt mal ausprobieren <3

  8. Der Kuchen sieht echt lecker aus, ich liebe Erdbeeren :3 den würd ich auch essen wollen <3 schön gemacht

  9. I really like your blog ^^ and i have a question, were did you meet your penpal friends? :) I would like to penpal with people who lik gyaru fashion but never really found anyone :O i hope maybe you can help me out? ^^

  10. mmm yummy! I can't bake a cake to save my life but you did good~ happy easter and I love this hair color on you

  11. this look is so delicious!!! *w*!!
    I love your photos!!!! *w*


  12. Oooh thanks for sharing the tut! That cake looks so yummy *_*

  13. Lovely Post ,you look gorgeous ♡ :)

    Happy Easter xoxo

  14. aww~ die 2 bildchen von dir sind so süß <3~
    hoffentlich gehts dir bald wieder besser >o<

    auf den bild sieht mein brief sogar ganz süß aus XD haha :D

    *o* der kuchen <3 liebe *-* XD
    eigentlich sieht es recht einfach aus XD
    steht aber bestimmt ne mega menge arbeit drin ;3
    & 5 kg schwerer ist man dann bestimmt auch XD

    frohe ostern <3 ♥ :3

  15. der kuchen sieht so toll aus :) yummy yummy und die pics von dir sind total schön :)

  16. Ohhh dein Kuchen sieht so lecker aus ^.^
    Ja wir müssen uns unbedingt mal wieder treffen. Japan war so toll gewesen ♥ Wir haben zich Bilder und Videos gemacht ^^~
    Dein japanese Cake sieht so lecker aus! Yummy :3
    Du hast dunklere Haare wa? Die Fotos von dir sehn hübsch aus ♥
    Liebe Grüße

  17. わ〜 めっちゃ美味しそう!♥
    and very nice decorating :)

  18. Omg! This is such a cute post!


  19. *^* Aww, really yummy sweets!!*^*
    Happy Easter 4u too!kisses!

  20. OMG *_* Der Kuchen sieht sowas von lecker aus~<3

    du schaust sehr niedlich aus ^.^~<3


  21. Wuii..der Kuchen sieht genial aus..Respekt! *_*'
    Vllt versuch ich den mal irgendwie zu "veganisieren"...der sieht so verdammt lecker und "frisch" aus...DX

    liebe Grüße♥

  22. Looks so yummy! :D You're great at making cakes! >_<
