
☆Halloween Party☆

ドキドキ!!!Hi GAL´s!!!ドキドキ
How are you doing?!?!
on tuesday i went to Shinjuku again and i could exchange my Halloween outfit for a new one!!! よかったーーー!!i bought the same like i was wearing at the cosplay puris!
so, yesterday was the Halloween Party!
omg, we had so much fun :D
here are Eileen and my outfit:
 Purple Gyaru Witch :D
Eileen looked so so great!!!
the party started about 19:00...we were one hour late haha
everyone looked so great!!
here are some pics! all taken by Eileen!
Yada and me
Bunny Ryuto!!! so cute hahaha
Eileen, Chisato,me
Hyuma and me
Hyuma and Kazuma
Eileen and me :D
at night the Kombini got the new Popteen~ 
i got it for free ´cause one of the guys paid it for me lol
best part of the evening hahaha
i really like the new issue :D
i went to my room about 5:00~
ohhh i was so drunk, but it was such a nice evening/night :)
i´m looking forward to the next party ^-^/

 today we wanted to go to the culture festival at our university, but on the way to the train station we met Ryuto...he told us that it´s too late to go there and that the stores will close about 17:30...(it was 17:00 at this time...) so we went to starbucks instead~
i also bought a new eyeliner because i destroied my Etude House one which i bought last week lol....
it´s produced by Kumicky....
i also bought a new external hard drive, because i guess my notebook won´t survive this year...and i have to rescue all my photos and music ;__;
(so expensive T__T)
in the evening i had a little party with the people from my floor! 
it was funny :D
tomorrow we will visit the culture festival at the Rikkyo university and maybe at ours as well! :)
 so see you ^-^


  1. muss bestimmt eine coole party gewesen sein^^
    ich habe übrigens einen neuen blog, wenn du mal vorbeischauen möchtest :D :P

  2. Aww du siehst so süß aus : D !!!
    Das Popteen cover sieht so süß aus *_*
    Ist der Kumicky liner gut? :)

  3. Dein Outfit ist so niedlich www *A* ♥ So ein Hexenkostüm hätte ich dieses Jahr zu Halloween auch gerne gehabt!

  4. Wow die neue Popteen sieht ja toll aus! Wer ist das auf dem Cover??
    Dein Outfit ist niedlich, eine süße Hexe <33
    Liebe Grüße

  5. The halloween party looks fun! :3

    I love the new eyeliner, such a cute colour!

    The 1TB drive is actually cheaper than the one I currently have! (mine is SeaGate, I bought it a year ago...XD)

    Popteen is starting to feature winter clothing already! I love Japan's winter fashion.X3 So lucky you got it for free! Haha,

  6. Wow, sieht nach viel Spaß aus *O* du bist eine süße Hexe!

  7. Ich finds wiztig wie Halloween fuer die Japaner irgendwie mehr wie Fasching ist :D Ist irgendwie nur bei uns so, dass man eher gruselige Outfits hat, die Japaner bei uns waren groeßtenteils Disney-Charaktere oder so xD Sieht auf jeden Fall nach viel Spaß aus :D

  8. glad you had fun at the party , your and your friends costumes look really cool :)

  9. Wow, du bist ständig auf Achse und hast rund um die Uhr Spaß!! Beneidenswert! Sehr süße Bilder!!

  10. wow Halloween looks like a lot of fun!, it's not that common in australia.
