
☆Harajuku Shopping☆

ドキドキ!!!Hi GAL´s!!!ドキドキ
How are you doing?!?!
today Eileen and me went to Shinjuku and Harajuku~
it was such a wonderful weather today!! <3
my outfit today:
very simple haha
 blaaaaaaaaack wwww
we went to Donki and looked for Halloween costumes! i found a cute one, but at home i saw it´s too small...so tomorrow i will try to exchange that for the one i wore yesterday for the purikura...>o<
we took some Halloween Purikura as well <3
i really like them :D
afterwards we went to Harajuku for shopping~
we had lunch at a Pasta restaurant with 食べ放題 & 飲み放題 <3
pancakes and tiramisu *~*
this is what i bought!
i hope i can exchange the costume tomorrow ~__~
but i love my new dress haha <3 and it was sooo cheap *~*/


  1. wah ;_; das kleid ist so süß!
    und die socken sehen warm aus <3

  2. glad u had a fun time in harajuku ^^v
    can`t wait to go again too.
    cute new dress! ^^d

  3. die fotos sind soo schön, genau wie deine sachen <333

  4. ich hatte eben ein foto von einem mantel gesehen was deinem kleid echt ähnelt (http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mc3nbxHZCF1r11ivho1_500.jpg)

    sei froh das du so tolles wetter in japan hast, hier in berlin ist es bitter kalt :(

  5. oooooh ;/////; sooo schönes KLeid *-* Und tolle Bilder wie immer*v*
    Und neidisch auf das Wetter, hier ist es echt grausig :(

  6. So beautiful dress! :33

  7. Oooh, you can see Fuji-san from your window! How cool!

    Nice purikuras! XD
