
☆Liz Lisa, etc. GETS + Hanabi + Royz concert☆

Hello <3
on 24th we went shopping to Shibuya 109 and 109 men´s~!! ^o^/
i bought so much at Liz Lisa, cause the new autumn collection is soooo beautiful!!!!
i also bought much cosmetics and a necklace at Diavlo <3
 so let´s start with the Liz Lisa GETS ^^ /
one dress, one high waist skirt-dress thing and one blouse~
i got two cute glasses as a present cause i paid more than 20,000Yen (200€) haha
so here is the first dress~ it´s perfect for christmas actually lol
it´s so cute~

 the next dress-skirt thing looks like this:
actually i didn´t want to try it on in the first place, but than i did and i was surprised that it looked really nice~

it´s such a cute outfit~
i bought this blouse for wearing it under the dress-skirt~ 
worn it looks like this:

i bought so much, but i couldn´t resist ;o;
and those are the two glasses i got:
they are sooo pretty ^-^
picture with cute shop staff xD 
(i also bought the new trench coat and a room mist from liz lisa, but i will post about it later cause it was on another day haha)

afterwards we went to Plaza, and i bought so much cosmetics...paid aroun 7000Yen (70€) x_X
new eyelash glue, dolly wink eyeliner, dolly wink upper and lower lashes, dolly wink eyebrow mascara (it´s not that i love dolly wink, but i couldn´t find any other mascara with this color, and those were the nicest lashes they had, in my opinion...) and body spray!

afterwards we went to 109 man´s and visited the Diavlo store <3
i actually hoped for a new collection of the bags...but well...all of them were ugly U__U
the one i own is so pretty, but really old ;o;
Eileen and me bought the same necklace btw hehe :D

afterwards we met some friends of Eileen and also our friend Olaf and went to Keio-Tamagawa for a Hanabi!
sadly it started raining during the fireworks~
here are some pictures!!
afterwards i went home alone and spent the evening at starbucks and took a walk along Tama-river~
it was a nice day~~

on sunday we went to the Royz concert!!!
ok it was a festival with other bands as well, BUT also Royz!! <3 :3
other bands were v(neu), BORN, Diaura, Moran, Kamereo, Fest Vainqueur, D-out
the festival was held at Club Citta~~
omg Royz were soooo awesome!! Subaru sang so well *o*/
and Ryoga (Born) was watching their concert from the 2nd floor and was waving his hand and stuff haha he is such a good friend of Subaru xD so cute~~
i wish i could go to the tour-final of Royz ;O;...

btw on 22nd i went to my university and took many pictures~
but i will post them in the next entry cause there are toooo many lol~~

thank you for reading!!! <3
and for the comments :)
i try to reply to them soon!!! ^^


  1. You're really making me miss Japan and just going shopping in 109!! ;____; <3 It is nice to see you are having fun and enjoying your time <3

    1. it was my final shopping day at 109, so i decided to buy everything i liked...haha xD i wish we would have gone to 109 together more often last year :(
      thank you <3

  2. Replies
    1. ja, finde ich auch *o* Diavlo is prima!!
      danke <3 :)

  3. Awesome shopping! I like the blouse it's been a while I seen it on the webstore, so cute! ♥

    1. thank you :)
      i really like the blouse too! it looks so cute together with the skirt thing~ :D

  4. wow you got so many new stuff. I'm jealouse of all the Dolly Wink products xDD so nice. too bad you couldn't find a new bag.

    1. thank you for your comment :D
      haha the DW products are really nice, even when i don´t like Tsubasa not that much anymore like i used to in the past haha~

  5. Aww die Liz Lisa Sachen sind voll süß! Bin ganz neidisch, will auch wieder in Japan shoppen gehen xD Aber das wird jetzt eine lange Zeit nicht gehen (ist ja aber auch nicht schlimm ^.^)
    Die Feuerwerkbilder sind voll toll!!!
    Liebe Grüße

    1. du hast ja dieses jahr schon ordentlich was eingekauft hehe :D aba ja. es is wie eine sucht ;A;
      genau, ihr habt bald was vieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel schöneres!!! <3

  6. die liz lisa bluse ist super süß!! <3

  7. Oh den Post hab ich ja noch gar nicht gesehen^^ Alles sieht wirklich total süß aus und ich bin natürlich auch neidisch, dass du so viel kaufen kannst (*/////////*) Hoffentlich kann ich mir auch mal ein Liz Lisa Kleid holen^^ Bis jetzt hat es nur für Chuuko-hin gereicht XD Aber besser als nichts^^

    1. danke für deinen lieben kommi!! <3
      haha, die neue herbstkollektion is so schön xD da konnte ich nich wiederstehen xD wenn ich mich recht erinner, is an der nagoya station in der shopping mall au nen liz lisa laden wa xD ich war nur einmal dort vor 2 jahren haha
      manchmal findest du auch 2nd hand liz lisa klamotten ~ musstu mal suchen, gibs bestimmt :D

  8. Ich bin so neidisch! Die Liz Lisa Kollektion im Moment ist so schön *.*

    Bei LL und co. hat man ja die "Probierklamotten" im Laden und wenn man was kauft bekommt man ein ungetragenes eingepacktes Teil. Bekommt man in Japan eigentlich in jedem Laden die Klamotten neu und eingepackt?

    1. huhu, danke für deinen kommi :)
      ja, oder??? ich finde sie auch traumhaft!!! <3
      ne, das ist nicht in jedem laden so. nur bei den brands :)
      bei billigen klamotten läden in harajuku, etc ist das nicht so.^^
      manchmal wollen sie dir aber auch in brand läden die sachen verkaufen, die im laden hängen, da musste dann fragen ob de nich auch nen neues teil bekommst xD müssen sie dir ja dann geben, bzw zumindest gucken ob noch was da is lol
      liebe grüße ^^
