
☆Weekend Post -> Düsseldorf (14.10.-17.10.) Part 3 ☆

ドキドキ!!!Hi GAL´s!!!ドキドキ
how are you doing???キスマーク
On Monday was my last day in Düsseldorf!しょぼん
I was allowed to take some pictures of Thanh Thao´s room! キラキラ
look how cute it is!!! ドキドキニコニコ
Everywhere you can find Rilakkuma and Piyoko!!ラブラブ!
isn´t her room lovely???ショック!ラブラブ

about lunch time we went to the Japanese district of Düsseldorf!日本
we went to super markets and japanese shops!ニコニコチョキ
it was really great, ´cause there weren´t many people! アップ
on Saturday we also went there but i didn´t felt like buying anything because there were too many people (´cause of the日本デー which was held) ...it was annoying haha
at the OCS we took some プリクラ!プリ
i was really happy to took プリクラ again, ´cause i loved doing that in Japan and now there was the japanese feeling again haha ラブラブ
it was an old machine from 2008!
back then it was promoted by Tsubasa Masuwaka and Jun Komori!ラブラブ!ラブラブ
so i was more than happy haha! にひひアップ
and here are the results!アップ
i really like them heheにひひ
there was also a プリクラ machine from 2003!ショック!
how nostalgic hahaビックリマーク
really funny!にひひ
in Tokyo they replace the machinese pretty fast and you rarely can find really old ones, like with glitter effects and stuff haha あせる

here are some more pics of the shop! i really loved it there hehe ニコニコラブラブ
all this Rilakkuma stuff hehe ラブラブくまリラックマくま
afterwards we went to a Japanese Bakery shop!食パン
i bought a pudding role! super yummy!ラブラブ!
afterwards we had lunch at a どん - restaurant!ラブラブラーメン
i had お照り焼き丼!
i love 照り焼きso much haha!ドキドキ
after having lunch we went through the city~信号機
in one big shopping center we visited the Sanrio corner!!シナモン
there was a super cute plushie of Tuxedo Sam!! arwww i love him so much!ラブラブ!ドキドキ
 dream team heheニコニコアップ
in the Halloween section there were so awesome decorations!ドクロ
lovely pumpkins hahaハロウィン
than we went to BoBoQ and had Bubble Tea again! いちごみるく
this time i took Yoghurt Lemon!
in Berlin the yoghurt drinks taste different!
in Düsseldorf they don´t dilute them with water yet haha 汗

we went back to Thanh Thao´s home.
i packed my stuff and her sister brought us to the airport~ラブラブ
i went back to Berlin at 21:00!時計夜の街
i didn´t felt like goingガーン
my dad picked me up from the airport in Berlin about 22:30!車
here are the things which i bought during the weekend!ドキドキ
it´s a magazine about japanese history, an issue of DUET (just for 5€ hehe), Rilakkuma note book, retrto mini mouse cookie box, Tuxedo Sam sticker, Rilakkuma and さくら stickers and a ラブ友 post card!~ラブラブ!ドキドキ
i just bought the DUET because there was a NEWS poster which i saw some weeks ago at my friends home! and i was glad to find this issue in the sale box at OCS hahaドキドキ
山P looks soooo gooood!!!ラブラブ!
and on the back there was also a KAT-TUN poster !!
Kame!! heheドキドキ

i also got lovely presents from Thanh Thao!!ラブラブ!キスマーク
two Mamegoma pencils and a Rilakkuma eraser!!ドキドキ
and i got her old KAT-TUN stuff, like Posters and a Kame uchiwa!ドキドキ
Thank you so much!!!ラブラブキスマーク

i had a wonderful weekendビックリマークアップ
thank you for letting me stay at your place!ニコニコドキドキ
i really enjoyed my time in Düsseldorf and i hope i can go back soon heheショック!ラブラブ
i´m so looking forward to see Thanh Thao in Berlin in December!! ラブラブラブラブラブラブ


  1. You're weekend looked so fun :O <3 I wish my room was full of rilakkuma .... *jealous* I love bubble tea, I wonder if I can ever get enough

  2. Ahh, fotos von meinem messy Zimmer, hahaha. Ich hätt doch mehr aufräumen müssen XDD Überall fliegt Zeugs rum ;)

    Das war echt ein spaßiger Tag! War so toll dich hier zu haben, ich hoffe ich schaffs dann nach Berlin! <3<3

  3. omg ich war noch nie bei Thanh Thao zu hause *-* ich muss auch endlich ma hin und die rilakkuma anschmachten XD
    soooo viele schöne bilder*-* es ist wirklich nervig wenn die supermärkte und läden so voll sind am japantag (oo)' aw ich war auch neulich bei bakery my heart, mal reinschauen..die puri sind toll*-* ich will auch wieder (;///;)

  4. Düsseldorf ist toll *__*
    Und die Puris auch ^^

    Magst du vllt an meinem Giveaway teilnehmen? :)

  5. Thanh Thaos Zimmer ist ja echt total süss ♥ Schaut niedlich aus.
    Die Puris sind auch toll geworden, ich wünschte wir hätten auch einen Automaten in Berlin! Oder überhaupt so tolle Läden wie in Düsseldorf ;.;

    Liebe Grüße

  6. Wahhh all the Kame stuff <33 !! And everything just looks so nice *___*

  7. Thanh-Thao hat ein total süßes Zimmer! Da würd ich mich auch wohl fühlen. ♥
    Und wie immer super schöne Fotos! *___*
    Und der Pinguin... ich will ihn! Der ist ja sowas von süß!

  8. das zimmer ist sooo süß!!! überall rilakkuma~♥ !
    du hast echt schöne fotos gemacht! da sieht man die läden endlich mal! :D

  9. what a wonderful japanese corner in Düsseldorf!! I want it in Italy too >o<
    But when I miss Japan and I can't go there, I can go in Germany eheh:)

    probably this is the first time I write a comment on your blog, so... nice to meet you^_^

  10. oooh, what a cute room! i wish i have it too :p all of your picture are so cute, the stores and everything. and i love your photobox result :)

  11. cute photos!!!! I love it!!! ^o^


  12. Das sieht nach einer schönen Zeit aus. :] Ich möchte auch mal wieder nach Düsseldorf!

  13. die bilder sind so schööön <3 ^-^
    freut mich das ihr so viel spaß hattet *-*

    jetzt möchte ich auch gerne nach DD Q///Q
